Google Adwords Tips for Small Business People.
Most of Small Business People use Google Adwords for advertising their business. Some will manage Google Adwords account by their own and some other people will hire an expert to maintain their Google Adwords Account.
Here today I’m providing Google Adwords Tips for Small Business People who planning to maintain their own Google Adwords account to promote their Small Business.
Google Adwords has many kinds of Ads Format.
- Google Search Ads
- Google Display Ads
- CPM Ads
- CPC Ads and etc.
The Small Business People concentrate more on CPC in Google Search Ads, because it has less price compare to other kind of Google Adwords ads and also it will help in getting Keywords Ranking.

Google Adwords for Small Business People.
Negative Keywords
Use this feature in Keywords options. This will help you to control your money and also CTR of your Ad unit. Add keywords which only getting impressions but not click and also add Keywords which getting Click but not conversion. Also use the Keywords Planner tool to see if there are any Keywords that you can add to your negative list. It will assist you in producing quality traffic to your business. This is the First Google Adwords Tips for Small Business People.
Negative Locations
If you are promoting your business in multiple locations you can use this feature to block the locations which not getting clicks and conversion to your business.
Keywords Level Tracking
If possible try to track your conversions on keywords level. The best source would be to have a system that displays your cost and earnings in the single report, so you can understand how your keywords are performing.
Click through rate (CTR)
Check CTR on your ads, Use Weeks, Months and Years to track your CTR and you may find out how various situations affect your Ads by CTR.
Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool
This tool helps you to understand what’s happening to your ads in certain locations, Domain (Google Search for Countries) and languages for your Keywords.
Use Analytical Software
Most of people use Google Analytics to track their data, but you can also apply for some other Free Analyticals softwares to track your information. Eg: – Use Piwik which can run on your current hosting.
Google Adwords Editor
This is Wonderful Software which provides by Google Adwords for their customers to manage multiple ad units and accounts.
Mobile or Disktops
Track your ad conversions that from which device you get more conversion. I believe mobile conversions less compared to desktops so try to concentrate more on desktops. But try to track first and take decision.
Allocate Time of Google Adwords
Spend some small portion of your time to evaluate new keywords, sections and systems. Try to find new opportunity to get more conversion and clicks for your ads.
Day and Time
Try to schedule your ads based on Day and Time of Day bid option for knowing on which Day and Time you getting more conversion rates.
Daily Monitoring
Set a tight budget for your ads with conversion rate goals. If your campaign is not running across their goal then let down the budget. If your campaign is accomplishing its goal then raise your budget.
The above are some of Google Adwords Tips for Small Business People. If this Article is useful for you please share it.
Nice Tutorial… Very Useful Thank you for providing.