Mobile gaming is catching on!

Technology applications and innovations are becoming more interesting day by day and are catering to the whims and fancies of the users. Just click away and the users can access any information and now mobile gaming is catching their fancy.

What is mobile gaming all about?

There are several games to play that are creative and very creative and innovative. There are so many ideas to reckon with and one can experiment with interactive fiction such as thrills of the 80days and the Blackbar.

There are several interesting games that go along well with sounds such as Papa Sangre ll that is played entirely by listening rather that having a look. On the other hand, DarK Echo does visualize the sounds on the screen. Both these mobiles are very creepy. Other mobile games are storytelling and inform such as Silent Night and Spy Watch which have the potentiality of storytelling on one’s wrist.

Some games get you moving in the real world: wandering in the case of Ingress; jogging for your (virtual) life with Zombies, Run!; and even dancing with Bounden. Smartwatch games like Lifeline: Silent Night and Spy_Watch play with the potential of storytelling on your wrist.

Games exploring real-world issues include Endgame: Syria and Papers, Please and others splice together new genres, such as Framed, with its motion-comic puzzles, and ambient grow-’em-up Prune.

Even for familiar genres, there are new ideas: Twofold Inc is very puzzling indeed. Some new genre games are

Endgame: Syria and Papers, Please as well as Frame. Another interesting game is a competitive type of game called Capitals which is word game. The Midnight Star has its way through “first person” shooters that work well on touch screen.

More than 50 mobile games are in the offing:

There are nearly 50 games that one could try out which are in the limelight in the app based stortes charts.
One final, important point: the games in this list are innovative, but they’re also great. Technical invention or genre crossovers married to a poor game are of little value to players. What the developers of this

Another interesting mobile game is 80 days and Android based game. One would like to read as well play several times. It is fun and interesting. Try out Adventure Time Game Wizard. Then there is the Study in Steampunk. It is fun sharing with other players and these consist of innovative stories.

Blown Away: This is an Android/iOS (free +IAP cost ponds 2.29) and publisher of Choice Games. This incidentally, is very engaging platform for mobile games. It features a rather cheerful hero called Hendrik who actually sports “Telesporting shoes” It entails new forms of puzzle-solving based possibilities.

Brothers: A tale of TwoSons: (iOS) (cost pounds 3.99) . This is about two brother trying to find a way out to help their sick father. It is indeed a beautiful story. One controls both the brothers with the help of “ Onscreen joysticks” and is in an narrative form and has an emotional pitch.

Next on the line is Clumsy Ninja Android/iOS (Free +IAP. This is a very innovative type of Character based game on one’s mobile.

More and More mobile games:

Here are some interesting mobile games that are worth trying such as Ingress, Letter Pad :Free Puzzles, Lifeline: Silent Night and so forth.


One is no more bored. He or she has access to mobile games. One’s cell phone will become virtual world of mobile games. It is game-play of fun and frolic. Mob

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About the Author: Danteshwari Bhaskar

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