Top On Page SEO Optimization Techniques

1. Post or Page Title
Post or Page Title is both very important for the website user and also bots. When users or Bots enter into your website users get a clear idea with your Title only. Post and Page title is the first important factor in On-Page SEO Optimization. Your post titles should be unique, most attractive and also need to include your main keywords in post or page title. The Title should be less than 67 Characters and up to 70 accepted. [sociallocker]
2. Optimize Your Post URLs
Optimizing your post URLs is also one of the most important factors in SEO because new SEO Optimization will present results on the basis of the URLs also. So you need to use Customize URLs for your Website posts. Eg: Post Title as URL.
3. Interlink your own Inner Page
The next important point in On-Page SEO is interlinking your Old Post with New Post. Interlinking will help to get High Page Rank. Interlinking your own blog posts with previous posts will helps you in increasing page views and also improves your search engine position and also it will reduce website bounce rate.
4. Keywords/ Keyword Density
Keywords are the most important factor in On Page SEO. Keywords are pillars to the website to get traffic from Search Engines. While you’re writing article on your website you need to target one or two keywords related to your niche. To find quality keywords you can you Google Keyword Tools. Keyword Density is nothing but using your main keywords repeating in your article and it should be up to 2-5% in your article.
5. Meta Description
This is another important thing in On-Page SEO, Meta Description which will see by Search Engine Bots. This Meta Description will include your main keywords. Meta Description will display in search engine when visitors find your website in the searches. If you forgot to include them in your post then Google Bots randomly picks keywords from article content.
Note: Meta Description should be less than 160 Characters including spaces.
6. Meta Keywords
Meta Keywords which seen by Search Engine Bots. Meta Keywords should be related to your content. So your Meta keywords should be relevant to your content and choose the keywords which have less competition. Meta Keywords limit to 3 – 5. So find the correct keywords related to your content and include them in Meta Keywords.
7. Use Header Tags H2-H6
While you’re writing your content try to use H2-H6 tags for your keywords which you placed in your Meta keywords. It also makes your page attractive and also good On-Page SEO Optimization. You can highlight your post main heading, sub heading to make your content attractive.
8. Use ALT Tags for your Images
Use ALT Tags for your Images because Search Engine Bots will not see image title so they take ALT tags and index your images. So using ALT tags will increase your traffic and ALT tags should include your main keyword.
9. Keywords in Bold or Italic or Underlined
You can also use Bold, Italic and Underline styles to highlight your important and targeted keywords and its phrases in your blog post in order to attract search engine attention.
10. Post Length
While you’re writing an article, it is suggested that you post should be minimum of 350 words. Search engines always love unique content and also the proper length of the post. Try to write your content in between 500 – 1000 words and more if possible.
11. Update Your Blog Regularly
Regular update will tract more and more Search Engine Bots and also Returning Visitors to try to update your blog regularly with unique content.
12. External Outbound Links
This is coming under Off-Page SEO, now a day’s getting Dofollow links become very difficult, so find good sites and get strong external links to your website. External links will increase your PR and also Search Engine Visibility
13. Content is King
This is main factors for your website. Without content you don’t need all about things. First try to find unique article and write good quality content. Google loves unique and fresh content and it will index in Google very quickly.
14. Ping your New Link with Search Engines
Last but not the Least always try ping your new article URLs with Search Engines because if you submit your links to search engine they will send bots will and the Index your Article quickly. Eg: Use Sitemap to index quickly. [/sociallocker]
15. Socialize your Post
Use Social Networking and Use Social Bookmarking website to improve your traffic.
Follow above On-Page SEO Optimization Techniques and Get Good Traffic to your website.