The website industry is indeed a very unpredictable market. Sometimes what one feels is just a matter of ordinary successful approach turns out to be major step towards better revenue output. One tries to build up links and the searches based upon such links have to be of good order. Nevertheless, it so happens that at times the lessons that have been learnt from failed link building campaigns must enable a person to improve upon his or her Google searches. One must be able to identify these mistakes and accordingly work upon them and improve thus the search performances.
What lessons one must learn from failed building campaigns?
- Too much data: Too much data leads to confusion and unfocused search output in content. One has not only share the contents abut also segment it according to demographics. This is a tedious process in case the data collected is too much. It lacks a “ cohesive narrative”. It is better to streamline the data. This may be as mentioned earlier difficult if the information gathered is more than required.
Publishing a required item may not lead up to required links: Sometimes one tends to redo a particular item in a different manner hoping that the end result would be worthwhile; but this does not necessarily happen. In other words, spectacular results may not emerge in changing the prepresentation or redoing an item in a different format. Proper attribution is not given to video linking. The publisher does not link up the videos to the creator but just embeds the video from Youtube or links up to it. The content is linked up to the creator but in the case of videos this does not happen.
- Difficult to present political ideas: Most of the brands are hesitant to present political ideas ,but there are others who prefer to have more of political content that it is interesting and attracts a lot of attention. Yet many a time even interesting and major political ideas have failed to make the required impact or gain solid viewing. Why this is so is difficult to be comment upon; but it appears that publishers prefer breaking news, but it cannot always be possible to have breaking news.
- Make more than one visual asset: Simple and static asset will do. Many of the websites have limited choices with regard to the media that they want to publish in. Each of the publisher can come up with static graphic, but cannot embed more complex type of formats. In most cases, publishers prefer simple visualizations.
- Do not make content for a specified publisher: Efforts are off made to collaborate with publisher in order for his or her to take interest in publishing certain type of content. In case their specifications are met then they will publish the material. This always does not turn out to be a viable approach as publishers are not keen to take out extra time to collaborate with you. They prefer to work on their own site rather than for another publisher.
- One must keep a watch on tiny tools as well content: Merely using rather “cool” or modern and interesting techniques does not imply that the content will be interesting. Hoping to have interesting content, one ends up with boring material.
- Do not go in for super topics: Super-duper topics can prove to be counter-productive. The more super your topic is sometimes the audience for it may be limited. For example, there may be substantial audience for music, but few for rap music
There are many more “do’s” and “don’t’s” that one needs to follow for interesting content and better viewership. If one adheres to these, then one will be able to attain success.