Samsung reveals latest ATIV Book 9 Ultrabook
Samsung has just revealed the newest ATIV Book 9 Ultrabook, Which is being on display at CES 2015 in Las Vegas. This laptop measures at 0.46 inch thin and 2.06 lbs, the laptop, one of the company’s thinnest and lightest model that ever made before no doubt in that.
The laptop is used to provide to users who are always wanting to use. The battery charge stays up to ten and a half hours and its size are also very small and can easily be tucked inside the purse or briefcase, the laptop must have for the users who are active travellers and seriously working.
One important thing about the new laptop from Samsung is its new Intel Broad, well core M processor, which is specially designed to work for super slim and ultra portable devices. These are allowed the laptop to discharge better quality, energy competent performance.
Samsung has also improved the laptop with ergonomic keyboard in order to support it’s incorporated multiple one touch activation for the purpose of machines security features and suitable mode situation. Users are assured to get with comfortable and proficient typing experience with the unique curves in keyboard, which can easily fit and support one’s fingers.

Apart from these features like its impressive design and superb performance, the laptop has security features from which users can take advantage. These laptops are designed with a security solution that’s available in three fold. These include one key activation of secret screen upon log in, single function command helps in protecting on screen content and configuring the F10 keys responsiveness when pressed, allows user to select which windows has to hide.
One of the main features of ATIV Book9 Ultraviolet is enhanced with connectivity and mobile capacity. The laptop has given with a Wi – Fi Amp, which has allowed a faster internet speed connection by 20 percent. And also users can share data and can enjoy with both incoming and outgoing
Samsung reveals latest ATIV Book 9 Ultrabook